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Billy Baldwin Doubles Down on RFK Jr. Comments

Billy Baldwin got into a social media clash with Hercules actor Kevin Sorbo over former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Baldwin, an actor himself who has starred in films such as Backdraft and War of the Worlds: Extinction, recently declared his long-time friendship with Kennedy was over after he endorsed Republican nominee Donald Trump ahead of the November elections.

On Friday, Kennedy suspended his presidential campaign as an independent candidate and endorsed Trump instead.

But Baldwin was not impressed and took to X, formerly Twitter, on Sunday to share a lengthy post on why he was disappointed with Kennedy’s decision and could no longer call him a friend.

Billy Baldwin attends the star ceremony for songwriter and producer Glen Ballard at the Hollywood Walk of Fame on July 11, 2024 in Hollywood, California. The actor stuck by his decision to “disavow” Robert F…
Billy Baldwin attends the star ceremony for songwriter and producer Glen Ballard at the Hollywood Walk of Fame on July 11, 2024 in Hollywood, California. The actor stuck by his decision to “disavow” Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

“I too completely disavow and dissociate myself from Bobby Kennedy Jr,” Baldwin concluded, referring to a statement released by Kennedy’s siblings condemning his endorsement of Trump.

Part of the Kennedy siblings’ statement read: “Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.”

His sister, Kerry Kennedy, added during an appearance of Inside with Jen Psaki on MSNBC: “I am outraged and disgusted by my brother’s obscene embrace of Donald Trump. I completely disavow and dissociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr and his flagrant efforts to desecrate, trample and set fire to my father’s memory.”

Baldwin—whose brothers include fellow actors Alec and Stephen Baldwin—doubled down on his remarks about Kennedy in response to Sarbo.

The Hercules actor is a vocal Trump supporter and reacted to Baldwin’s post disavowing Kennedy by writing: “Nobody cares.”

Baldwin reposted that response with a screenshot of the number of views, reposts and likes his statement had received, which were 4.7 million, 15,000 and 72,000 respectively, at the time of his post.

“Apparently somebody does care Herky. [clown emoji],” Baldwin captioned the photo, using a shortened version of the name Hercules to refer to Sorbo.

People reacted to Baldwin’s post in the replies.

“Billy Baldwin is a REAL actor. Kevin Sorbo’s a B movie scab. Who here agrees?” wrote @Lakotaman1.

“Is he annoyed that his overly right wing views have not created a career resurrection yet?” commented @will_iamnot87.

While @wpark27 replied: “You are evil.”

And @pfreeze33 added: “Billy boy all in his feelings screenshotting posts to show ‘people care’ No Bill people are reading to see how much of a POS you are. People disagree on politics all the time and are still friends.”

Baldwin’s full statement about Kennedy’s Trump endorsement described how they’d been friends for years and his friend had always had presidential ambitions.

“I have known Bobby Kennedy Jr. for decades. We were friends. I loved his politics. His speeches inspired me. We were neighbors. Our kids were friends. We carpooled the kids to school for a few years,” Baldwin began.

“Bobby Kennedy has had presidential ambitions his entire adult life. In 2006, when Bobby was 53 years old, New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer left office to run for Governor. Bobby Kennedy considered running for that office. This position could have quickly led him to either the U.S. Senate or Governor of New York and a potential path to the presidency. He ultimately didn’t run citing that his ‘responsibilities to his six children from two marriages had left him with expenses that simply couldn’t be covered by a government salary.’ There were other reasons.

“In 2008, when Bobby was 54 years old, Hillary Clinton vacated her New York Senate seat to become Barack Obama’s Secretary of State… this was another feasible path for Bobby to fulfill his presidential ambitions. That didn’t happen according to Bobby because… ‘I have spent lots of time thinking about it. I have spent time talking with my uncle, my brothers, my cousin and, of course, my wife. And I think I’m in a good position right now doing what I’m doing.’ There were other reasons.”

Baldwin continued: “Now, in 2024 at 70 years old, with the window of opportunity for his presidential aspirations closing, Bobby decides it’s now or never. He takes some conspiratorial positions on COVID, vaccinations and Dr. Fauci which tapped into MAGA’s frustration and anger with the pandemic, the economy, establishment politics, and the white majority sunsetting into the minority… which leads him to get into bed with Roger Stone, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon…and ultimately Trump.

“At 70 years old, running for President was the desperate move of a man who had presidential ambitions but saw the door rapidly closing on the opportunity for him to hold any political office. It was a Hail Mary,” Baldwin said. “For him to end his pursuit of the presidency and endorse Trump is not only a betrayal of the values and traditions of the Kennedy family but it is also a cynical, hypocritical betrayal of his own political beliefs and personal feelings about Trump which have been publicly documented for years and years.

“His endorsement of Trump demonstrates his political cowardice. He has sold his political soul and desecrated the historic work and legacy of his father Robert and his uncle President John Kennedy.”

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