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Event Tech and the Future of In-Person Networking

This content was created collaboratively by Stova and Skift’s branded content studio, SkiftX.

While business contacts are never more than a Wi-Fi connection away, the demand for
face-to-face engagement is driving the rapid resurgence of in-person meetings. In this context, technology works best when it brings the human touch to the forefront instead of serving as a replacement.

When time on the show floor is precious, leaving in-person connections to happenstance is no longer enough. The most productive networking opportunities combine the efficiency of structure with the magic of serendipity.

Ideally, events should strike a balance between self-directed and guided meet-up opportunities — and the right event technology can facilitate both. Skift Meetings partnered with event management software platform Stova to produce this report, highlighting technology’s pivotal role in cultivating connections.

1. Gather Data to Guide Networking Priorities

It’s no secret that attendee data can offer a goldmine of marketing insights, but few event organizers are tapping into its full potential as a foundation for more effective networking. By learning essential information about attendees ahead of time, event professionals can help facilitate more intentional networking opportunities. Information gathering should begin during the registration process. The right set of questions can not only pair the right people together but also assist planners with creating the right environment for these meetings.

For expert guidance on designing questions that provoke the most valuable answers, seek advice from the customer support team offered by your event tech provider. They can draw from the experiences of past customers and their advanced knowledge of the platform’s capabilities. For example, branching questions and conditional logic can help personalize the questionnaire experience — asking for more detail where it’s helpful without overwhelming anyone with tedious questions.

2. Leverage AI for Matchmaking, Recommendations, and Scheduling

While most of the conversation has focused on generative technologies that create text and images from prompts, AI can be equally effective for analyzing data. The predictive power of AI can help take the guesswork out of planning, both for event organizers and attendees looking to network more effectively. And while AI is already a powerful tool, it will only become more accurate and useful as time goes on. With Stova’s software, AI-powered networking recommendations personalize the attendee experience, whether for individual meetings, highlighted sessions and receptions, or simplifying agendas to schedule itineraries throughout an event.

3. Provide Frictionless Networking with Convenient Connections

Business cards are a great tool, but in the digital age, they aren’t enough. Event organizers should provide attendees with a convenient way to exchange contact details digitally via smart badging and extended app access that serves as an alternative to traditional social media. These online channels are important for both the exhibitor-attendee dynamic and attendees who want to stay in touch with fellow buyers and delegates when they return to work – when a finalized deal is more likely to be struck.

4. Create a Self-Directed and Customizable Attendee Journey

Not all networking has to be scheduled or facilitated by event organizers. Similar to self-guided tours at museums and other attractions, attendees can choose their own networking adventure. Event tech offers a convenient way to search through sessions and build a customized agenda inside the app. It can even let attendees preview who else has registered for a given session. Consider offering an interactive map to empower attendees to navigate the show floor more efficiently. Time saved finding booths and conference rooms will translate to more time for networking.

5. Reevaluate the Big Picture

It was once common practice to treat individual events as separate, self-contained gatherings. With the digital tools now available, it’s possible to create a more robust sense of continuity from meeting to meeting. Rather than immediately focusing on the next event, consider building a multi-event ecosystem in which the data you collect drives smarter decisions to foster an ongoing community. Beyond on-site networking activities, attendees and exhibitors can communicate regularly online, building relationships that help cement partnerships and forge business deals.

In this guide, you’ll also find:

  • Gathering data to facilitate more intentional networking
  • Leveraging AI for personalized networking recommendations and curated attendee lists
  • Maximizing convenience and engagement with digital connectivity
  • Providing tools that empower attendees to customize their networking experience.

This content was created collaboratively by Stova and Skift’s branded content studio, SkiftX.

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