• October 18, 2024
  • Last Update October 17, 2024 5:08 pm
  • USA


Your article, audio, video will be reviewed by the admin then it will be publish in our website and other social media publicly.

Currently we are not offering any compensation. If we change our policy, we will update our FAQS.

 Our website is designed as a newspaper, so a new article will push down old article. However if an article has high views, it will be on the top under “Most Viewed” article at the footer. We will keep article active as long as we have hard drive space available. Other social media will retain article, audio and video according to their policy.

Either you have to be the owner or authorized person to share the article. You have follow the copyright rule that set by the government.

There are some restrictions on some type of article- such as nude, sexual, violence and political bias article not allowed for this site. Moderator will view each article and decide which article can be published and restricted article list will be updated.