Charity Events

Case Manager Burnout: Latest Statistics & How to Fight It

Whether you work with children, underserved populations, healthcare patients, or others in need, case management is a highly rewarding job. Case managers…

14 Innovative Methods of Employee Engagement to Consider

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving corporate environment, implementing smart methods of employee engagement is more crucial than ever. Engaged employees…

How to Retain Your Nonprofit’s Major Donors: 4 Strategies

It’s a well-known fact that major donors play a significant role in driving nonprofit missions forward. 88% of fundraising revenue comes from…

Election Season – What All 501(c)(3)s Need to Know – Charity Lawyer Blog

Election seasons provide unique opportunities for 501(c)(3) organizations to engage with public policy issues and influence civic dialogue. During this…

Using WordPress As a Nonprofit: A Beginner’s Quick Guide

WordPress is the most popular website builder in the world. 472 million websites are built on WordPress, which is over…

3 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Dance Studio Growth

One of the biggest challenges of running a small business is effectively promoting your product or services and expanding your…

Trademarks: The Dilution Doctrine – Charity Lawyer Blog

Trademark laws are designed to prevent consumer confusion and protect the rights of businesses. Among the various facets of trademark…

Section 527 Segregated Funds – Charity Lawyer Blog

Tax-exempt organizations not prohibited from engaging in political campaign activities have the option of conducting such activity through a distinct,…

Implementing Proper Donor Segmentation: 5 Nonprofit Tips

Did you know that segmentation can increase your campaign’s donation revenue by up to 760%? Besides providing donors with more…

New Employee Overtime Pay Rule – Charity Lawyer Blog

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to pay employees a minimum wage and overtime compensation of at least…