Great Independence and National Day today

Great Independence and National Day today

Today 26 March is the Great Independence and National Day. On this day in 1971, Bengalis started the war to establish a new nation state by breaking the chain of subjugation of thousands of years. Today the day will be celebrated with various programs.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman prepared the Bengali nation for independence through two centuries of continuous struggle. On the night of March 25, 1971, the Pakistani invasion forces indulged in barbaric killings to end the desire of the people of this country for liberation. Bangabandhu was arrested by the Pakistani army in the early hours of March 26. Before this he officially declared the independence of Bangladesh. Hence, March 26 is a unique day for the nation.

After the declaration of independence, Bangabandhu was arrested and imprisoned in the then West Pakistan jail. Bangabandhu was kept in prison during the long 9-month liberation war. Three million people were martyred in the struggle for freedom from Pakistani subjugation. The killing of so many people in a 9-month war is rare in the history of the world.

Independence Day will be celebrated today through various events. Today is a national holiday. On this day, the national flag will be hoisted at sunrise in all government, semi-government, autonomous and private buildings. The national flag will be hoisted on easily visible buildings in Dhaka city. Important buildings and structures will be illuminated. The main roads and road islands of Dhaka and other cities of the country will be decorated with the national flag and other flags. Bands of different forces will play music at different important places in Dhaka.

On this day, the day will be started with the firing of cannon 31 times in the whole country including Dhaka. With the sunrise, President Md. Sahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will lay wreaths at Savar National Memorial. After that, under the leadership of the Minister of Liberation War, the Vir Shreshtha family, the martyred freedom fighters and the heroic freedom fighters will offer wreaths. People from all walks of life including foreign diplomats, various political and social organizations will pay tribute to the martyred freedom fighters by placing wreaths at the memorial.

King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan will participate in the Bangladesh Independence and National Day program this time. He has already come to Dhaka.

The President and the Prime Minister will deliver a speech on the occasion. Highlighting the significance of the day, newspapers will publish special articles, articles and literary magazines on this day. The electronic media will broadcast various programs based on the Liberation War.

Various social and cultural organizations including Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Bangla Academy, National Museum, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh Shishu Academy will organize discussions, cultural programs, children's painting, essay and sports competitions, documentaries and films based on the Liberation War.

Apart from this, the brave freedom fighters and the family members of the martyrs will be felicitated in the metropolis, district and upazila. Bangladesh Postal Department will issue commemorative postage stamps. Special prayers and worship will be organized in religious institutions for the peace, prosperity and progress of the country. Improved food will be served in all hospitals, prisons, children's families, old age homes, vagrant institutions and child day care centers in the country.

All children's parks and museums in the country will be kept open without tickets. Bangladesh Navy and Coast Guard ships will be kept open for public inspection at BIWTA wharfs in Chittagong, Khulna, Mongla and Payra and Sadarghat in Dhaka, Pagla in Narayanganj, Barisal and Chandpur from 9 am to 2 pm. Programs will be held highlighting the significance of the day at the district and upazila levels and Bangladesh embassies located abroad.


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