The Kachin Independence Army (KIA), an armed group of ethnic rebels in Myanmar's Kachin state, has claimed control of a commercial town on the Chinese border. After seizing nine junta battalion headquarters and more than 50 outposts in Kachin state in 21 days, the KIA and its allied armed groups said they were now on the way to capturing the state's Myanmar-China trade route.
According to a report in The Irrawaddy, a coalition of KIA, Kachin People's Defense Force (PDF), Arakan Army (AA) and other armed rebels launched their offensive in Kachin State on March 7. Since then, the rebel coalition has captured bases and outposts in Tanai, Sumpraboom, Wangmau, Momauk, Mansi town and Datfonia sub-town one after the other.
In the latest push, the rebel coalition seized six outposts around the border-trading town of Luegel (Lueze) in Momauk urban area this week, the KIA said. It also includes major junta strongholds such as Yao Yon, Mada Bam and Lodmon.
Luegel is one of the five official posts on the Kachin border trade with China. But two more junta bases on the 90-kilometer road running west-east between Bhamo and Luegel are yet to be captured.
However, KIA said, 'The two main outposts controlling the Sino-Myanmar trade zone in Luegel, Yao Yon and Mada Bum, have come under their control. The junta forces suffered heavy casualties in the fighting in these two bases and fled into the jungle and into China.'
Luegel is located south of the KIA headquarters in the town of Laiza. The KIA and its allies say they have captured most of the border town and are ousting junta forces.
The Myanmar Army celebrated the 79th Armed Forces Day on Tuesday (26). A day earlier, the junta was humiliated by seizing the headquarters of Light Artillery Battalions (LIB) 387 and 320 in Momauk town and the outposts of Koni Law and Lonza Bam.
The biggest success of Kachin rebels since March 7 is the capture of Momauk. Rebels have captured six junta battalions in the city. These are Artillery Battalions 370 and 616, LIB 438, 387, and 320 and IB 237.
Meanwhile, junta troops are said to be on high alert following insurgent attacks on the northern road from Bhamo to Mayitkina, the state capital. A resident of Bhamo said, 'In Bhamo, all the junta units have been put on standby in case the KIA launches an attack on the town.'
The rebel coalition has already captured all major junta battalion bases and outposts along the Bhamo-Mayitkina road near Laiza. Bhamo is home to the Junta's Military Operations Command 21.
The junta forces are under pressure as the rebels have taken over key strongholds in the upper reaches of Bhamo district.
Bangladesh /SS