Recommendations of the Reforms Commission
The Election Reform Commission has proposed that the head of any party cannot be the Prime Minister. Badiul Alam Majumder, head of the EC Reform Commission, gave this information at a press conference at Parliament House in the afternoon after submitting the report to the Chief Advisor on Wednesday (January 15) morning.
He said, about 150 recommendations have been given in 16 cases. He said, these recommendations have been made with the aim of institutionalizing the 'broken' election system and making it inclusive as well as holding all stakeholders accountable.
Significant reforms are among the proposals:
> No person can be Prime Minister more than twice.
> The head of any party cannot be the Prime Minister.
> Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly should be provided by the opposition party.
> President to be non-partisan.
> Holding national and local elections under caretaker government.
> Caretaker government will consist of 20 members.
> Local elections will be held before national elections.
> No one should become President after being Prime Minister twice.
> No one can hold the post of Prime Minister, Leader of Parliament and Party Leader at the same time.
> Upper House of Parliament will be on proportional basis.
> Half the members of the upper house will be party members, the other half will be non-party members. Independent members will also be nominated by political parties. But there will be representation of different sections of the society.
> Women's representation in Parliament will be determined on a rotating basis.
> Increase of 100 seats in Parliament. One-fourth of this is reserved for women and these are selected on a rotating basis. Through which women will be directly elected.
Bangladesh /MP
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