Dak Pion


Road Trip to Spain 2023

Editorial note: We are planning on a road trip to Spain. We will land in Portugal and then we will…

Prio Bangla (Invite to Journey Within event in Arlington: Aug 27th, 2023 – Precursor event to The World Culture Festival )

Prio Bangla, at the vanguard of promoting cultural variety and fostering network connections, extends a heat invitation to the “adventure…

CHETONA VOL. 04 Issue 041( Inara wins Service to the Citizen Award)

In a powerful celebration of exemplary public provider, Inara has emerged because the proud recipient of the prestigious service to…

CHETONA VOL. 04 Issue 037 (4th DC Book Fair)

CHETONA চেতনা The focus will be on but not limited to US Elections To subscribe or to unsubscribe please email…

Pryalal Karmakar: An inspiration story

In the tapestry of inspirational tales, the narrative of Pryalal Karmakar sticks out as a testament to the indomitable spirit…

Mineral resources in Bangladesh worth $2.26 trillion

Editorial Note: Unlocking Bangladesh’s Mineral Resources. Bangladesh’s mineral resources havea market value of over 2.26 trillion dollars, according to the…

7 years of Belt and Road Initiative: China makes its presence felt everywhere

Editorial notes: China presence in Bangladesh is well visible thru many projects across Bangladesh. There are many success stories published…

Happy 4th of July from Prio Bangla

Prio Bangla wishes warm greetings to each and every one of you on this special occasion of the 4th of…

Bangladesh is self sufficient in Poultry industries

মাছ-মাংস উৎপাদনে স্বয়ংসম্পূর্ণ বাংলাদেশ নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক Bangladesh has achieved self-sufficiency in fish and meat production. Fisheries and Livestock Minister Narayan…

Bangladesh fights to end blindness

বাংলাদেশ অন্ধত্বের অবসানের জন্য লড়াই করছে Some battles just cry out to be won. Such is the case in Bangladesh, one…