Toll collection of more than 14.5 crore rupees on Padma Bridge in 5 days

Toll collection of more than 14.5 crore rupees on Padma Bridge in 5 days

This time during the Eid holidays, 46 thousand 553 vehicles crossed the Padma Bridge in 5 days from April 9 to 13. In this, 14 crore 60 lakh 52 thousand 700 taka has been collected at the Mawa and Jazira ends of the bridge.

According to Bangladesh Bridge Authority sources, 30 thousand 330 vehicles on April 9, 17 thousand 505 vehicles on April 10, 11 thousand 194 vehicles on April 11, 15 thousand 883 vehicles on April 12 and 12 thousand 896 vehicles crossed the Padma Bridge on April 13. 7 crore 87 lakh 18 thousand 550 taka has been collected from this end in these five days.

On the other hand, 14 thousand 874 vehicles crossed the Padma Bridge on 9 April, 8 thousand 510 on 10 April, 7 thousand 465 on 11 April, 12 thousand 100 on 12 April and 15 thousand 596 on 13 April. A total of 6 crore 77 lakh 34 thousand 150 taka has been collected at this end.

Confirming this information, Additional Director of Padma Bridge Authority Amirul Haider Chowdhury said that this time, from 9th to 13th, over 14 crore tolls have been collected in 5 days during Eid Yatra.

Incidentally, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the Padma Bridge on June 25, 2022.


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